4 Picture Books About Refugees

Nov. 01, 2023 Alice Flecha (Volunteer Blogger)

Lately, with multiple wars going on around the world, Canada's intake of refugees is higher than ever, with 17.% of new permanent residents in 2022 being refugees or protected persons. So odds are that your kiddo will eventually come across someone with refugee status (if they haven't already) and have lots of questions to ask.

So here are four books in our collection that you can use to ease into the conversation about who refugees are and why refugees exist in a kid-friendly way that still keeps things honest.

What Is a Refugee? by Elise Gravel

Who are refugees? Why are they called that word? Why do they need to leave their country? Why are they sometimes not welcome in their new country? This (Canadian!) picture book gently but honestly answers common questions about the subject.

Room on Our Rock by Jol Temple and Kate Temple

Three seals are perched on a rock. When others need shelter, do they share it? When read from front to back, the group of seals firmly believe there is no room on their rock for the parent and child seal who are seeking a place to rest. Readers are then encouraged to read the story again, from back to front, revealing a welcoming message where the seals make room for others and share their rock.

Lost and Found Cat: The True Story of Kunkush's Incredible Journey by Doug Kuntz and Amy Shrodes

Perfect for little fans of cats, true stories, and true stories about cats, this is the tale of a lost cat's journey to be reunited with his Iraqi refugee family.

Dreamers by Yuyi Morales

The memoir of a Mexican refugee who moved to the United States with her infant son in 1994 and about how even though she left nearly everything she owned behind, she, like all refugees and immigrants, didn’t come empty-handed as they carry their culture, skills, and strengths with them.