All You Need to Know for the 2021 Federal Election

Sep. 16, 2021 Alice Flecha (Volunteer Blogger)

1. If you haven’t registered to vote

No problem! You don’t need to have registered in order to be able to vote! All you need to do is find out where your polling station is by visiting the Elections Canada site and putting in your postal code into the purple voter information section on the homepage then on the day of the election, you go to your polling station between 7:30 a.m.–7:30 p.m. and bring either

a) a government-issued photo ID which has your name and address on it (e.g. driver’s licence)


b) two pieces of ID that show your name and one which shows your place of residence (see here for the full list of accepted ID; it’s quite extensive!)

e.g. lease agreement, bank statement, work ID, SIN card, student ID card, blood donor card, library card, parolee card, birth certificate, citizenship card or certificate, etc.


c) You declare your identity and address in writing and have someone who knows you and who is assigned to your polling station vouch for you. The voucher must be able to prove their identity and address. A person can vouch for only one person (except in long-term care facilities).

2. If you need time off work to go vote

You are entitled to 3 consecutive hours off work without loss of pay in order to vote (here are the rules regarding this).

3. Choosing which party to vote for

Not sure which party’s platform better matches your beliefs? We got you covered.

The following resources allow you to compare the platforms of the major parties on various topics:

CBC News (this one has the most extensive list of topics)

CTV News


4. Getting to the polling station

If you need help getting to your polling station, most parties are happy to provide a lift with no strings attached to get voters to their polling stations. 

Go on the Elections Canada site above, put in your postal code as if you were trying to find our polling station, then choose the "Who are the candidates in my electoral district?" option. Choose one of the office phone numbers listed and ask if they have such a service available.




By Alice Flecha (Volunteer Blogger)