Getting to Know Us: Anita van der Leek

Oct. 21, 2020 Alice Flecha (Volunteer Blogger)

Have you ever wondered about who are the people that keep the library running so smoothly? Now is the time to have those questions answered.

This is the second of a series of short Q & A interviews with the people that work hard to make your experience with the library full of awesomeness. Stay tuned—there's more to come!

Position:  Programs Coordinator

How long you have worked at Bon Accord Public Library:  From 2006-2011 and then from 2014 to now, so about 11 years in total.

Book you think everyone should read: My favourite authors are Liane Moriarty, Lisa Jewell, and Linda Castillo, so I tend to recommend them a lot.

When little, wanted to be: A vet.

Best things about your job: Being creative and planning special events.

How your job has changed since the pandemic started: With no in-person programming, my job has completely changed. I’ve had to come up with different ideas and new ways to do programming.

Favourite library memory: Jane Austen Tea Party! It was so fun to organize and I really enjoyed having tea and treats and visiting with people.