Lesser-Known Gems in Our Catalogue: Ella Enchanted

Jan. 22, 2021 Alice Flecha (Volunteer Blogger)

Cursed as a baby with the “gift” of obedience by a misguided fairy, Ella is forced to always do as she is told. One day, she decides enough is enough, and sets out to find the fairy who cursed her to demand she fix her mistake.

The book is a retelling of Cinderella featuring a strong, witty heroine who has just HAD IT with people telling her what to do. It’s worth noting that the book is nothing like the film adaptation which starred Anne Hathaway. Instead of a modernized pop culture-referencing musical, the book is very much a fantasy novel set in medieval times of an alternate world where magic is real.

We have the book in hardcopy as well as in ebook and audiobook (as a CD as well as downloadable) format. We also have the movie that was (very) loosely based on the book. Ella Enchanted is marketed for kids around Grade 5, though its content is appropriate for precocious younger readers as well. It’s also definitely worth a read for adults too!


By Alice Flecha (Volunteer Blogger)