Listen & Learn: Podcasts for Road Trips (Part 2 of 2)

May 16, 2022 Alice Flecha (Volunteer Blogger)

Wow in the World

A podcast for kiddos all about cool, weird, and astounding science that makes you go "Wow!". Each episode also comes with a downloadable (and printable!) "WOW sheet" with content to inspire creativity and scientific thinking. 

Recommended for kids 5+

The Past and the Curious

A fun history podcast intended for kids and families created and run by a museum educator and curator, featuring cool and funny moments from history, such as how some games (e.g. Silly Putty) were accidentally invented and a monthly segment called The Underwear Chronicles about the history of, well, underwear.

Recommended for kids 6+

Brains On!

If your kiddo is into science, likes asking "why" about everything, and/or likes generalities books like Weird But True, this is definitely a show for them. If you like learning new things, this is also a show for you, as many of the quirky questions it answers are things even grownups might wonder, like "why does looking at light make you sneeze?", "what is it like to be a snake handler?", and "how does GPS work?".

Recommended for kids 6+

Who, When, Wow!

A podcast all about people throughout history that you probably haven't heard of but really should. You can find activity sheets for the podcast here.

Recommended for kids 7+

Flip & Mozi's Guide to How To Be An Earthling

A podcast for kiddos of all ages that are into nature and nature facts. This musical podcast intends to bring "conservation into the conversation for kids and their grown-ups" and inspire a sense of stewardship not only for the Earth but also for our nonhuman fellow earthlings. Most episodes focus on a particular animal, with some special episodes looking at more abstract topics like "adaptation" and wider groups of nonhuman earthlings (such as plants). You can also download free printable activity sheets that feature activities, conversation starters, and book lists on the week's topics.