Working Together to Stay Safe

May 27, 2020 Alice Flecha (Volunteer Blogger)

When you go out on your grocery run or at work, do you worry about coming into contact with someone with the coronavirus? The government of Alberta has created ABTraceTogether, a nifty (and free) app to help in the fight against coronavirus by making it easier to track if you have come into contact with an infected person. 

How it works: Once you download the app, it starts tracking where you’ve been and other app users you came into contact with. If one of the people you’ve been in close proximity with is later tested positive for COVID-19, you are sent a text message advising you to get tested as soon as possible. 

If you have questions about the app, how it works, and how it’s used, Alberta Health Services has a helpful FAQs page all about it. Find the app for Android here and for iOS here.

By: Alice Flecha (Volunteer Blogger)