Your COVID Questions Answered

Aug. 26, 2020 Alice Flecha (Volunteer Blogger)

One of the less talked about stresses of living through a pandemic has been just not knowing; not knowing how long the lockdown will last, when a vaccine will finally be ready, what symptoms to watch out for, and on and on. Well, good news: there’s a resource for that!

William Haseltine, a medical researcher and a former professor at Harvard Medical School, has written a free ebook (A Family Guide to COVID) answering frequent questions by the general public. You can download it for free at Amazon here or access it directly via Access Health International here (the password to access it is AskDrBill).

The book’s first section is directed at children, answering questions like “Why has my life changed?”, “What happens if we catch it?”, and “What if I already have a special disease other kids don’t have?”. The larger portion of the book is for adults, answering questions regarding personal safety and what we know of the disease, as well as offering an overview of what the current situation is around the world, complete with graphs to help you better visualize the information being presented.

On top of being written by a respected medical researcher, this resource is also great in that the book isn't static; the author is regularly adding and updating the information provided and the questions answered as we learn more about the virus. The first edition came out only a few weeks ago and he's already updated it since, with the new update including a section on summer safety.

If you find that you have a question that wasn’t answered in the ebook, you can ask the author here.

By: Alice Flecha (Volunteer Blogger)